a. Agreement
Cooperation agreement among the County of Chester, the Chester County Industrial Development Authority, Brandywine Station, L.P., Brandywine Station GP, Inc., Hankin Ventures, LLC, and River Station X, LLC for the Downingtown River Station Project Phase 2
b. Resolution 20-19
Resolution of the Chester County Commissioners delegating signatory authority concerning the execution of certain Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Federal Grant documents to the Director of the Chester County Department of Emergency Services or authorized designee
c. Resolution 21-19
Resolution of the Chester County Commissioners authorizing the establishment of a property assessed
clean energy program in the County of Chester and further directing necessary county personnel to move
forward to effect a county-wide C-PACE program
d. Resolution 22-19
Resolution of the Chester County Commissioners authorizing designated officers and employees to open
and close bank accounts and delegate authority to open and close accounts
e. Authorities, Boards and Commissions
It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the attached appointments and