- 5.01 Textbook Adoption: World Languages Grades 6-12 (first read)
- 5.02 Textbook Adoption: Linear Algebra with Computer Science Applications (first read)
- 5.03 Minutes of the December 2023 Meetings (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.04 Amana Academy Charter Renewal (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.05 Skyview Charter High School Renewal (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.06 Board Policy GAM Reporting of Drug, Alcohol, and Other Offenses (revision - action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.07 Board Policy GAMA Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing (rescission - action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.08 Board Policy EBB Safety (revision - first read)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.09 Board Policy KM Visitors to Schools (revision - first read)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.10 Board Policy IFCD School Volunteers (rescission - first read)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.11 Board Policy JBCD Enrollment Options and Withdrawals (revision - first read)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.12 RFP 402-24 South Media Centers Renovations (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.13 RFP No. 405-24, Network Closet Upgrades – Wave 1 (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.14 RFP No. 413-24, Card Key Readers – Phase I (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.15 RFP No. 415-24, LED Lighting – Phase 1 (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.16 RFP No. 414-24, Alpharetta HS Theater AV Renovations (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.17 RFP No. 417-24, Creekside High School Lockers, Baseball Field Netting, IFC 510 (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.18 IFB 409-24 Tri-Cities High School Repaving and Tennis Courts Replacement (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.20 RFP No. 125-20, Digital Learning System for Online and Blended Learning (action)
- 5.21 Financial Update (action)
This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
- 5.22 Monthly Capital Programs Report (action)